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Did You Know to Clean with Green Benefits Human Health?
Are you curious about the wonders of how to clean with green or don’t believe the hype?
In the world of cleaning services, we’re all striving to enhance indoor air quality, and maintain health and safety, while creating more sustainable practices that reduce impact on the environment.
But what sets sustainable green cleaning apart from the rest is its profound impact on human health.
Let’s delve into this exciting world and explore the three primary threats to human well-being that green cleaning can eliminate.
The Triple Threat to Health
Particulate Matter – Dust, Pollen, and Dirt
Particulate matter, often overlooked, poses a significant threat to human health and safety.
The microscopic particles of dirt, pollen, and dust that linger in our surroundings can wreak havoc on our well-being.
They infiltrate our indoor spaces, affecting the quality of the air we breathe and our overall health.
VOCs – Unmasking the Culprits of Poor Indoor Air Quality
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are the silent saboteurs of our indoor environments.
From the off-gassing of various materials to unpleasant odours, they are detrimental to productivity and indoor air quality.
The detrimental effects of VOCs on employees and patrons are immediate and undeniable.
Biological Intruders – Battling Bacteria, Mold, and Mildew
The biological realm introduces a whole new set of challenges to maintaining clean living.
Bacteria, mould, and mildew thrive in moist and humid conditions, and they’re often unwelcome guests in our indoor spaces.
Practicing good hygiene, like regular hand washing, becomes paramount in preventing their unwanted presence.
Green Cleaning and the Impact on Human Health and Productivity
Did you know that most people spend a staggering 90% of their time indoors, where the air quality can be 2-5 times more polluted than the outdoors?
This alarming fact results in poor indoor air quality and consequences for our health and productivity.
The Toll on Well-being
The consequences of poor indoor air quality are tangible and can’t be ignored.
Lack of concentration, eye irritation, heightened odour sensitivity, dry and itchy skin, nose and throat irritation, dry cough, sinusitis, nausea, dizziness, and headaches are just some of the acute symptoms that afflict us.
These symptoms can be exacerbated by various sources, including perfume, inadequate ventilation, and airborne dust and pollen.
Green with Green Solutions
Allergies – A Thorn in Our Sides
Allergies are a constant challenge in any facility, and biological pollutants are often the culprits.
Symptoms range from annoying nasal congestion to eye inflammation and even hives. Dust mites, cockroaches, mould, and pet and rodent dander are common contributors to allergic reactions.
The good news is that effective cleaning practices can significantly reduce these effects.
Clean with Green Essentials
Maintaining clean living requires some essential practices.
- Ensure your vacuum cleaner has a filtration system with at least 0.05 microns to capture even the tiniest particles.
- Change the vacuum bag daily to prevent the buildup of allergens.
- When dusting and mopping, opt for microfiber materials to trap particles effectively.
- Eliminate aerosols and misters to further improve indoor air quality.
Sustainable green cleaning isn’t just about cleanliness; it’s about fostering a healthier, happier environment for everyone.
By understanding and combating the three primary threats to human health—particulate matter, VOCs, and biological intruders—we can create spaces that promote well-being and productivity.
So, let’s embark on this clean with green living journey together and breathe easier in our indoor havens.
Let Metropolitan Keep You Healthy!
Metropolitan Building Maintenance has been serving customers in the lower mainland for over 40 years, with an average customer retention of 14 years.
We are a Canadian-owned and operated company and if you’re interested in our services, contact us today for a free quote!